2 Bitter to learn.

Jan 17, 2006 12:55

As I awoke on another day, I had so cereal and watched some Tv. After a while I decided to go outside for a smoke, and little did I know I wasan't the only bitter man sitting in the rain.
I fired up a cigarette, and this girl came outside, we started to talk, I forgot how the whole conversation started but, we talked about life, the questions the lies and the truth. We talked about how lonley we get, how partying gets old one day and the next day we do it again. We talked about bad habbits like smmoking, rugs, bad food and the negative. She really opeaned my eyes, as I began to tell her I don't know what to do in life. She then began to tell me that what's life if you knew all the answers, and that you just gotta live each moment and see where the next one takes you. Its more than that but I really gotta go. Thanks to that girl and I didn't even know her name.
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