Update: Matsujun Doll Tutorial

Jan 31, 2009 00:14

Hello! This quick post is to let you know that I am feverishly working on the Matsujun Doll Tutorial, which is taking longer than expected. I commented some of you stating that it might be up by Friday/Saturday, and I am completely sorry that I was not able to follow through. ごめん~!! m(_  _)m

In regards to the tutorial, it will be broken up into different posting sections because it is rather long (mainly the prep work). The tutorial posting order will go as followed (tentative):

I. Introduction/materials list/Basic Shapes sheet
II. Layering front:
   a. Head/face (hair, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, cheeks)
   b. Body, clothes (t-shirt, jacket, collar, necklace, pants, belt, gold "buttons")
III. Layering back:
   a. Head (hair)
   b. Body, clothes (jacket, pants, belt, gold "buttons")
IV. Arms
   a. Sleeves (badge [beads + trimmings], gold "rope")
   b. Hands (attaching to sleeves)
V. Shoes
VI. Putting everything together
   a. Head (sewing + stuffing)
   b. Body (sewing + stuffing)
   c. Attaching head + body

Spring semester starts on Monday, and I will have less free time to work on the tutorial >.<. Please, please be patient.
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