I woke up from an intense dream. It started out in a movie theatre where I was...but I wasn't in my body. I was in the body of an older woman, in her late 30s or early 40s, with salt-and-pepper hair cut short and a somewhat tall, thin frame. I was sitting with a woman somewhat younger than me, plump with long wavy blonde hair and a kinda hippy vibe to her (it now occurs that this might actually have been me but not me...like, non-dream Siobhan, though an older version. So in essence, I was experiencing life through the eyes of a person married to me? Or something.) We were celebrating our anniversary by seeing a movie with our kids, and during this time I had several flashbacks to meeting her and falling in love with her and how we had come to be living in the underground city of the exiled. Because that's where we were living: underground, removed from society with about half the population of earth for no given reason. Our city wasn't bad or anything- it was your typical North American city, just with artificial light. Infrequently, we made trips to the surface mostly to enjoy being on the surface. Plus, our kids were legally allowed to visit (but not live) there, but we weren't...something about a genetic mutation in our generation only. My fourteen-year-old daughter reminded me of this fact, citing that I had told her she could visit the surface because she was old enough. I didn't want her to come, even though she'd be perfectly safe because she wasn't from my generation.
Next scene, we were on the surface and had split up- my daughter with her friends and my lover off somewhere on her own since travelling individually meant a lesser chance of being caught and we needed some supplies we couldn't find in the underground city (fresh vegetables and cheese, if I recall...). So I was walking along pulling two suitcases- one black one on wheels, and a red duffel bag- when the intruder whistle sounded. I ran, stupidly, into the entrance of a tunnel, losing my duffel. I stepped back out to get it and heard "Freeze." I looked to the side and there was a female cop, pointing the scariest gun ever at me. She hauled me out back (to an area like a real-life version of the last track in the mario kart mushroom cup) and started asking me all these questions about my partner and it turned out that she had been involved in genetic terrorism that had resulted in all the surface people being affected with this thing that would kill them. And I realized that my whole life with my partner had been a lie and she was actually a mass-murderer and the lady copy saw m face and was like "Just go. Go. Run now before I change my mind."
So I took off to a line-up at a farmer's market and saw my daughter (who looked just like me, but me as I look now not the dream-me) and freaked out at her and told her to hurry up with her friends and get back down to the underground alone. Then I stood in line to get food, my heart utterly broken and real fear welling up inside me that I was about to lose my partner and my whole life.
Then the dream switched and I was day dreaming about this other person's life while sitting in the back row of a small concert venue with Bo and Jill watching our friend Alaska perform an amazing concert playing a guitar with a huge carved llama's head on the end of it, wearing a 60s print dress and a huge pink hairband. Then I woke up.