the other partiers are playing Settlers of Catan. I have never been a gaming person and my suggestions arealways along the lines pof "kill everyone" so somehow I don't think i am a welcome addition to the game.
nyree is fabulous and beautiful and there are lots of hot girls at her house wtf!
for some reason everything m,onumental happens at nyree's. me +_ racjel, james + max. but anyway.
so yeah, crown royal.
the other day me and blom hungout and went to chapters, it was super cool/. I made a list of books IO wanted to buy but by the time me abd roy went back to chapters yesterday i had narrowed it down to a book called hunger. i am very excited about it. in themeantime I am finishing the master and margarita and starting a complicated kindness by m. toews.... maybe it's just me but I amreally not digging stories about mennonite lifge, it seems way too fabricated and intentionally sensational or something.
so yesterdayt me and colin went to butterballs which is our offiial hangout. I got TWO side orders of breakfast sausage. this probably makes me some soert of greasy sqausage ho. or would I be a greasty sausage john>? becausevI am paying for the ssausage? anyway the moral of the story is that I ate so much meat that I was de4hydratedamf it sucked because watyrer is good.
then we went to this bookstsore that has no name but rouyghly eighteen million books. then colin had to go home so laterme and roy went back and bought some books and the lady gave me $45 worth of used books for $20. MY LIFE IS AWESOME
also we qwenrt to the fine grind and saw chronicles of narnia and it was pretty intyense and as evil as she is, the ice queenis way hot,
also I got my conch pierced. and the piercer was the hottest creature I have ever encountered in all my days on earth,. i think I ned to go back toget my nipple piereced,. guys you should go to studio 321 on st paul st inb st kitts and askfor candice and you will be enthralled, I promise.
and somehow I ended up here. some stuff at work happened that is not worth noting. now I am at nyree's house with a bunch of people I don';t know and tey are hot, a dude donated some crown royal to the "aly being drunk" fund. so uh. very productive day. or something
so yeah I have to figure out some way to seduce candace the hott piercer
so_no if you get any tips from your book on lesbian flirting plz fwd to teh aly because dating guysis pain.
that is all.