for justprompts: Third Wheel

May 06, 2009 21:33

Annie finished up collating the last of the files with a sigh. The department was almost completely empty, the rest of CID off either crime solving or down at the pub more likely.

She went to grab her coat and head out for the night when she stopped in front of Chris’ desk. Amongst the usual mess on his desk, one brightly colored comic seems to stick out. Tucked between Green Lantern and the Incredible Hulk and all those other heroes. It was probably left by mistake, and the way the cover is still perfectly intact - save a random stain, she assumed he really didn’t mean to have it.

Nevertheless, she picked it up and started flipping through. Her attention drifting towards some nonsense about this Betty and Veronica fighting over this Archie bloke. She nearly placed it back on his desk, but her car was in the garage and she would need to have something to read on the bus home.

Placing it in her bag she turned the lights out and went home.

It was nice enough talking to Diva. It felt like a friendship, and it was nice to have someone to talk to about Sam who actually understood. She looked at the younger - no older girl - wait, not girl vampire. That was what she was. It took some time to remember that, because vampire. It was a bit mad. She also seemed to forget that this other girl-woman-vampire was actually a romantic rival. Rival seemed as odd a title to attach as vampire, or old or whatever other titles could be attached.

Then again, those two girls in that comic of Chris’, they were friends too, weren’t they? Except of course when it came time to fight for the bloke. Although the bloke didn’t seem to notice Betty and threw himself all over Veronica. Betty who was normal and safe and beige and dull, and Veronica who was exotic and exciting and dangerous and alluring.

No one wants to be Betty. Although the Veronica in this little triangle of theirs seemed quite taken with their respective Archie. No coyness or indifference or coldness. Annie thought perhaps she was the Veronica in that instance. What a horrible way to be the Veronica. She didn’t even get the mystique, just the traits that made the audience groan. Except it was more than just hot and cold, it was that shift of Sam’s - Archie’s - whoevers, that subtle or not so subtle shift, whatever the case may be that knocked her off her feet, terrified her, made her think the best choice was to forget he was anything more than a colleage - classmate - whatever the case may be.

Then again, Archie wasn’t quite Sam either. One was always pre-occupied with chasing the girl who didn’t even acknowledge he existed while forgetting the girl that was there all along. Betty and Veronica both knew he existed, just something was stopping him from making a decision. Maybe it was a hard one. Maybe it was a matter of him not wanting to decide at all. He did seem to have a throng of women following wherever he seemed to pass. Apart from that there was the entire matter of finding him handcuffed and naked to his bed. She was sure Archie would never be found in that state. Although, there is something they always say about the quiet ones - but quiet isn’t the right word for either of them, not really - but there is something said about his type, and she can’t quite recall it at the moment, but summed up it would come as no surprise that Sam Tyler found himself handcuffed naked to his bed. The only surprise would be that she hadn’t found him in that state more often.

The entire comic series was ridiculous she decided. She wasn’t even sure why she took the time to read them. It just came down to him being indecisive. When he had one girl, he wanted the other. When he had normal, he wanted the exotic. When he had dangerous, he wanted safe. Archie was a bastard. Bastard was harsh though, wasn’t it? Archie was a twit? Archie was something.

Maybe Betty was plain - and Annie could add in the hot and cold at times as well, but well, Sam was a special case, and she wasn’t about to justify herself for her attitude. She was more than understanding she thought. And maybe Veronica was a bit dangerous and other things as well - but she was also sweet and exciting and things that Archie should be falling all over himself for. Then again, Archie did fall all over himself for those things, didn’t he? It was Sam Tyler who was the problem. It was Annie and Diva, Betty and Veronica, whatever they might be called who were anything but the problem.

Annie stood by the Astral Bar, sipping a pint, when she turned around and found Sam smiling at her. He seemed to be stumbling with his words. It was sweet, and she laughed. He really was very sweet, it was things like this that must be why all the girls come chasing after him. She thought to tell him that, but before she could he was leaning in awkwardly.

She felt badly but she took a step back, a hand up separating them.

A hand up on his chest, and she smiled apologetically. Before she could make an explanation Diva approached.

Sam still looked a bit embarrassed about the entire failed snog scenario. She wanted to make him feel at ease, but these things were best dealt with like a bandage. Quick and pull away, avoid too much pain.

“Sam. With these mergers, Diva and I have gotten to talking. You’re great Sam, it’s just….”

She made a face, unsure how to finish.

Sam seemed to get the idea. She still couldn’t help but feel badly, and she had an idea Diva probably felt the same. Still there was a reason Archie always had such a hard time chosing between Betty and Veronica. It was just odd that those comics never seemed to manage to figure out that the obvious solution was to eliminate Archie from the equation. There was a reason those comics were rubbish.

OOC: Written for
didorothy just because. Diva is based on
chansondelamort and used with permission. Also SERIOUSLY unbeta'd and things. And um, yes this is crack and based on RP at
realityshifted not sure what else to say.

featuring: diva, community: justprompts, community: realityshifted, prompts, featuring: sam tyler

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