Bouncey Cazzabelle has returned!

Mar 17, 2008 22:31

Hello there pretty people!

Am back in the world of the living.

First day back at work was ok not as bad as I thought.  This evening was spent with
lickmychick ,
utopia_necro ,
hungry_pixel, Mr Garry and
ladyfayne . Lovely food was had (thank you again), cards were played and much giggling was had. Love Monday evenings now.

Went got weighed and stayed the same. I have stayed the same for 5 weeks now.  This is good as i have been naughty loads so nice to see ythat oonce I hav reached target I should be able to maintain it.  But I still have stuffI want to shift.  need to get rid of stuff off my lower body now and finding it increasingly different. So any tips to fitness minded people on how to lose weight and tone  lower body please feel free to advise... *looks at
utopia_necro and

So yeah gotta get the healthy mindset back as have lost it completely.

Have yoga 2 times this week and also thinking of going to body balance on Sunday.  Wanna try the street vibes and boxercise classes too but scared im so unfit i may die... And also gonna go to the gym.

And need to get the eating back on track.

Im not gonna nuts as Im sooo pleased to be where  I am. I love my curvy figure and dont wanna lose it to much. Plus I look awesome in a corset now, even if i do say so myself.

My mood has been dipping a bit and been more tearful... about anything. Anything sad, or anything good.  But again think its just because I have been ill.

Have tomorrow of work so am thinking of domestic stuff first thing, then potter to my allotment and rake it over, then gym and stuff with the ever so lovely
ladyfayne and then yoga class in the evening.

Have no real plans over the easter period have Friday & Monday off work but am working Saturday. ATTENTION
ladyfayne and
hungry_pixel!!! Am working Saturday until 5pm so if those needed at the thang they may need to make alternative transpport arrangements and I will give it a miss. let me know how you wanna proceed.

My Parents are away Friday til Monday so hav ethe house to myself. YAY... must take advantage of  this....*evil grin*

So how you guys been? Whats new? and thank you for everyone's get well messages. Sorry I havent responded I have been rubbish and I love you guys. Will try and respond to comments *slap wrist*
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