Wade 'Deadpool' Wilson (
- Is Vice Principal.
- Is datin' spring_lost and helping raise the mutant messiah.
- Scoffs at your meta and fourth wall.
- Will probably make fun of your face. Just because he can.
- Is from Cable & Deadpool.
Tony 'Iron Man' Stark (
- Is a mechanical and technological genius.
- Is an orphan. (and a billionaire. BRUCE AND HIM HAVE A CLUB, OKAY?)
- Is Iron Man (Unless you've been told or found out, you don't know this. Marvel folks somehow bought that Iron Man was his bodyguard for yeeeeears. I think it didn't get public until the 90s re: latest retcon.)
- Is not Robert Downey Jr. SORRY.
- Is dating batwaffles because I love me some cross company ships.
- Is from Iron Man: Armored Adventures
Guy 'Green Lantern' Gardner (
- Is a Green Lantern. And will tell you aaaaall about it because he thinks it's awesome rather than emoing about it or trying to destroy the universe. Hal.
- Is a dick sometimes. A lot of the time. But he's way better than he used to be, so there's that.
- Is teaching Sensitivity Training. Yes, he hates it as much as all of you.
- Was once randomly descended from aliens. They, thankfully, forgot about that lately.
- Is from Green Lantern Corps
Stan 'Has No Title' Marsh (
- Is from a white trash, podunk town in Colorado that no one has ever heard of.
- Was once the leader of Scientology. Then was sued by them.
- Is part of the Hare Club for Men. Don't ask. Just... don't ask.
- Is virtually unshockable. Even by Fandom's standards.
- Somehow manages to learn a valuable lesson when things go to shit.
- Is from South Park
- Is an admin.
- Will generally suggest stabbing things as a solution to all of life's problems.
- can be found on thissoisntcool on AIM or bestshedevil at gmail.com if you need anything.
- Lives in CST with a dog, two cats and geewhizfellas who is the best roomie ever.