MCA #10, Friday Afternoon

Aug 24, 2007 12:53

There was an America's Next Top Model marathon on the TV, but Deadpool wasn't paying it any attention. There was an overly affectionate kitten in his lap, and he was only petting it distractedly, ignoring the other kitten who was attempting to gnaw is ankle off.

He was just... waiting.



This could not bode well.

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aly's a damn moron, grr wade smash, kitties!, girly tv watching habits, aly, aly's apartment

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tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 18:40:49 UTC
Aly leaned against the door to her apartment for a moment, too tired to keep walking, but not wanting to stand out in the hallway for someone to notice. She pushed the door open, not even noticing that the television was on and walked inside.


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 18:45:35 UTC
Wade picked Dee up off his lap, setting her on the ground and tapping her to scoot off while mommy and daddy yelled talked yelled at each other.

And then waited for Aly to notice him.


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 18:50:59 UTC
The noise was enough to draw Aly attention. She jumped, seeing him sitting so silently. "Wade," she said, not so out of it as to not realise why he was here. "You didn't stay at cheerleading."


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 18:51:51 UTC


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 18:55:31 UTC
That was a tone she knew well. She really didn't like knowing that tone well.

"I didn't go alone," she pointed out. "It was a good plan."

She really didn't think that would help.


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 18:58:41 UTC
"Yeah, I can see that," Wade snapped, pointedly looking at where she held herself with greater care. "Let me know next time you have such a great plan, I'll get a body bag ready."


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 19:03:47 UTC
Aly's eyes closed. "Almost had her."

They really hadn't.


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 19:08:26 UTC
"I stayed away from her because you asked me too. I do not run from a fight like that normally," Wade replied, sounding like the calm he had was about to change in an instant.


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 19:19:39 UTC
"I thought if there were more than one person, she'd be off-balance," Aly said. "It's getting worse, and I'm sick of it." She looked at him and finally moved farther into the room, needing to sit down.


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 19:22:25 UTC
"And I'm not?!" Wade snapped, pushing off the couch and starting to pace.


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 19:28:05 UTC
"Everyone is," she amended, taking his vacated seat on the couch. "So fine. Let's take it to her. Nothing else has worked. This time we'll bring overwhelming force and take her down." Aly paused. "It's justice," she said, remembering Anakin's words.


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 19:32:26 UTC
All she needed to do now was talk about 'the big picture' or 'the greater good' and it would be Nate with a nice rack.

"Bulltshit," Deadpool replied. "It's revenge plain and simple. Don't dress it up to make yourself feel better at night."


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 19:40:52 UTC
Aly rolled her eyes. "I will not miss a wink of sleep after we take her down. I was happy to kill her the minute she went after Gavin like she did, and I still am. Just because you think my only motive is revenge doesn't mean I don't want to protect the my students."


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 19:47:53 UTC
"Didn't say that," He replied, in a hollow tone. "Said justice was bullshit. Easy to hide behind when things don't work out."

Deadpool was next to her in just a few very quick steps. "But that's really not why I'm here and we both know it. So cut the crap and tell me why you didn't bother letting me or Arashi know about this idiot move."


tricksy_spy August 24 2007, 19:54:55 UTC
Aly's eyes closed. "They're going to work out."

She startled as she felt the rush of air heralding his approach. Wasn't like she hadn't expected it, but still. She eyed him. "I didn't know what it was that she threw at you to almost kill you before. I didn't want to see you like that again. I trusted Roy's alchemy to be a match and be able to take out that want."


mouthy_merc August 24 2007, 20:04:12 UTC
"Did you think neither of us would take that risk for you either? That maybe you mean a little more?" Wade asked, voice rising with anger. "Fuck, Aly! I'm not worth that!"

(Never been. Sorry, Nate.)


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