Hell night.

May 01, 2005 19:10

I couldn't believe all of this stuff. I was pretty new to this whole scooby gang thing and I was still trying to deal with...wow, hey I'm a werewolf here.

This wasn't the norm, I hoped. I thought Willow was the sweetest thing in the world, she was so cute, but right now, she was weepy, tense, and with very good reason.

Miss Calendar had been killed by Angel. That in itself was horrible, and though I hadn't seen it, it had been described to me what had been done to her. On top of the fact that Angel used to be our friend, was the fact that we all liked Miss Calendar, even though this had been this weird tension deal going on between her Buffy and Giles until just recently.

Hmmm? And Giles wanted to get revenge and could have gotten himself killed, if Buffy hadn't have saved him.

I was still trying to process the reality that I was a demon three nights a month and to the whole vampires are real thing, and know it was becoming clear to me just how dangerous demons really were, and that was kinda freaksome, since I was a demon.

I was also trying to deal with growing closer to Willow, and she was broken right now, and all that I could do was be there for her, as I drove away from Giles' place, just after Xander and Cordy had sped away. I hoped that Buffy stayed with Giles.

The poor guy. I drove with my left hand, and without words, just stroked Willows cute red locks with my right.

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