Okie doke...I'm finally gettin' back into this whole LJ thing. So, in response to everyone's posts about Natalee Holloway I have a few things to say:
- Why the freak where those guys released in the first place the day after she disappeared? The point where they are now could have started like a week ago!!
- Why are they still holding those two POOR men who have creditable stories of where they were? HELLO!! can you say that they are trying to save those rich kids (esp. that judges or judge in trainings son) out of trouble. If one of them confessed to killing her...oh my bad...saying "something bad happened to her" then let the other guys go b/c now there original stories are worth less than a bucket to piss in!!
- AND NOW the whole thing about "something bad happening" to Natalee, i would say..YEPPERS...being killed is something bad that can happen to you!!! Now me and my family have been following this pretty closely b/c it's EVERYWHERE and early Saturday mornign about 1am they interrupted many TV shows for breaking new saying one of the guys confessed to killing Natalee and where goin' to take the police & family to where the body was (if it was me those guys couldn't show me b/c I would beat the ^%$^%$^ out of each one i saw)...newayz..and so 30 minutes later the "top officials" (a.k.a random people from a law firm they just appointed to those positions for this case) made a retraction...then Saturday around 9am the head of police said that it was true (he confirmed it twice) that one of the boys did confess to killing Natalee and that the father was going to be the first to see the body before where the body is was released to anyone else; then 45 minutes later the PM of the country told international reporters to back off and said it was not true. WTF can you say somebody is tryin' to hide stuff!!
- then besides the fact that there is prolly only 1 law office on the whole island and that all the lawyers (appointed to the high investigating positions) probably all work in the same office & know that Van der Sloot kids dad...'nuff said!!! ANYWAY...the defense lawyers for the 3 boys say that there's not sufficient evidence to "officially" arrest these guys when THEY FOUND HUMAN...I say HUMAN blood in the car the guys used that night...see what they sneaky pricks 4got was that they had 11 days to hide everything else, but to get rid of blood in a seat it has to be reupholstered!!!
Alrighty, now I'm kinda' off my soapbox, even tho' I'm not goin' to get into right now how the girls that watched her leave and the chaperones could have somewhat prevented her bein' abducted....but alrighty..I'm through for now. All we can do now is pray for her family and keep the faith that she (whether alive or dead) can finally come back "home" to Alabama or eternal home!