Thanks for breakin' my cow lamp

Oct 03, 2005 19:10

Rehannon came over last week. <3 That was suh-weet. <3<3<3 And we went bowling and I totally sucked more than I've ever sucked before. And watched the Corpse Bride and then went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again, and I'm still in love with Charlie's dad. x_x;; And we also watched Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealers. o_O; Love.

Then I got sick and didn't go to work all weekend. Which would be great if I weren't already worried about money issues and having to borrow from my parents. But I think it's worth it because wow, I came out of the weekend feeling so much less stressed than normal. And tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah so I get to go do my first workings for the synagogue. And I'm totally putting my two weeks in at FACS on Friday. <3

Great quote (which is less great out of context) from Dr. Benjamin today, concerning Sissera's mother from the book of Judges when she's talking about why Sissera hasn't come home yet, and it's mentioned that there must be two women for every soldier: "And what is he doing with those two women...? ...Yes! He's raping them, and that takes time! Guys know!"


...Not much else to say. o_o;;; I'm still a wee bit sit and my head is throbbing.

work, friends

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