Paradisa Wiki History

Jan 25, 2014 02:04

Damn this got long.

  • Arrived in Paradisa and thinks it's all Nate or T-Ray's fault. Since it generally is

  • Found out a Tony Stark from the 'past' was around. Had to tell him about the Civil War. >| But hey! It's Iron Man and that's AWESOME.

  • Dream plot! He loves it half the time and hates it the rest. Flees off to the forest and kills some bears.

  • Stuff happens and people are met

  • New York plot. Healing factor is gone and Deadpool FLIPS OUT.

  • Pushed down the stairs by Sae. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  • Tiny!Loss. Spent most of the time in the kitchen.

  • Pokemon plot. Whismur = Loudest and most annoying Pokemon ever. He fits in just well with Deadpool.

  • Plotting things with Crowley seeing as he owed him a favor for helping him during his loss

  • Hired by Ichinose Takumi to be a bodyguard for his friend Reira. YAY WORK

  • Dead Space plot. Awesome guns + Alien-Zombies = FUN Except for the part where he got tentacle raped.

  • Nametag mini-plot has Deadpool with a nametag on his head saying 'Mrs.Cable'. He is not amused. But by the end of the day, he's officially dating Shiba, so that's AWESOME.

  • Wound up magically handcuffed Jamie Reyes for a day what

  • Jurassic Park! Killed Dinosuars until he figured it'd be a good idea to stop, healing factor gone and all.

  • Invited to a superhero party by Super-Girl. AWESOME.

  • Wtf Tribbles. They ate all his snacks and drank all his beer.

  • Had a magical baby with Wiccan. He named her Skippy and tried to teach her to fight. He kinda missed her when the castle took her back.

  • Got Teddy-Bear books and wine for his birthday. He is an awesome gift giver.

  • Met Rorschach somewhere around here THIS IS TOTALLY AN IMPORTANT EVENT

  • Wild West plot! He got to be a bandit with Teddy, Billy, Parker, Travis, and Hodgins. They stole horses and robbed a bank and it was great-

  • Except for the part where his healing factor was gone and he was slowing dying! Spent most of the last few days of the plot sleeping, throwing up, and playing cards with Rorschach.

  • Got paintball guns from Delirium . How cool.

  • Spent two weeks and a day watching TV and missed most of the Cabot killings. Tony Stark died and that was very sad.

  • Taught Speed how to drink around his healing factor during the Cabot 'We Survived' after party. His good deed for the month is done, though Billy didn't approve of him just ditching him after.

  • Got kicked off the roof by Jan and was knocked out for five days. He was NOT pleased. His loss was changed in the process. He now remembers his life from before he was Deadpool. Much drinking was done.

  • Became part of a team with Rorschach and Question what is this I don't even

  • Won Tony Stark in the Bachelor Auction and met Elle in the process.

  • Memory Loss plot! He has no memories and goes by Wade Wilson since wtf why was he wearing a weird costume, why does he talk in yellow, and oh man what's wrong with his skin?

  • Got memories from Billy, Teddy, Del, and Question. Received his own memories from Question and Lorne.

  • WHAT SHIBA'S GONE?! Brb drowning sorrows. Also go away Question.

  • Pirate day! He got a Scarlet Macaw he's named B.B. (Short for Blue Butt)

  • Read Poe and got ready for a showdown with Josh for the Cabot murders.

  • Roommates plot. Roomed with [[Raidou Kuzunoha XIV | Raidou]]

  • BILLY'S GONE which pushed Deadpool into convincing Rory to go after Josh without Question

  • Confronting Josh ends with Rorschach 'dying', Question pissed, and Deadpool guilty as hell. He lays low drinking for a while.

  • Christmas has him full of false cheer and nostaglia so he's back running around. And starts stealing decorations from the lobby.


  • Kissed the following people thanks to the castle's bells : (FULL LIST HERE EVENTUALLY)

* Got pictures of Nate and Agency X from the castle for Christmas. Also his old image inducer that gives him mixed feelings.
* Apologized to Q for getting Rorschach killed while showing off his image inducer.
* New Years had him drunk for once. He found Q drunk and they went off looking for the voices the castle planted in their heads. They crash in Question's room together after.
* The castle is acting weird and has Deadpool worried. So he starts cutting himself to make sure his healing factor is still there. Question finds out. Oops. And gives Q a gun!
* The castle brainwashes Deadpool and a ton of residents into leaving. Rorschach doesn't take it well. ):
* Washes windows while being a brainwashed townie. Has lunch with Q who's pretending to be a brainwashed townie. Castle gets destroyed. Deadpool's gets unbrainwashed and misses the destruction.
* The castle resets itself. Q freaks out. Deadpool fails at helping. Promises not to drink for one day.
* After that one day Deadpool drinks forever.
* Question, as his forever nursemaid checks in on him and cleans his room. Things get better.
* Kinda adopts a cat he finds in the hallway.... That's secretly Q.
* Winds up with Legato messing with his head
* Gets mind-wammied by Del. Hears a sound like nails on a chalkboard in his head for 24 hours. This is a bad week.
* Spends way too much time with Q!Cat and likes it more than he'll ever admit.
* Q goes back to normal and tells him he was the cat what. Punches him in the face for not telling him he was the cat. And then they talk and bond and WHAT IS THIS FRIENDSHIP.
* Josh is steals his yellow boxes WHAT. Decides to go after him and then realizes how stupid he's being. Bring in Q to make him stop. Then they talk about girls and get Mexican food.
* FALLS IN LOVE WITH Q FOR VALENTINES DAY is a complete dork and then avoids him and Rory afterward.
* Target practice with the lovely Magda Waldescu
* LA PLOT. Deadpool is sans healing factor, living with Jay, and apparently a handyman veteran. WHO KNEW.
* Fights a robot dinosaur and then sits the rest of the plot trying to recover.
* JOSH IS DEAD!!! Wants to throw a party.
* Goes on a totally heterosexual camping trip with Q
* OH GUESS WHAT it's pouring rain and then the castle turns into a marsh. Nice timing guys.
* Is Tres' master for a day AWESOME
* Comes back from the trip and takes a bath for a few hours. S-So much mud..

!para, !char history

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