Sep 14, 2009 13:39
So, I’ve decided to be a bitch, and the result is sitting, standing, hanging and rolling around right here. That’s right, every single entry has been deleted. evil laugh here>
This step itself isn’t as huge as it may seem, truth to be told, there wasn’t anything even remotely important here.
Anyway, where did it all come from, you ask? I was sitting on my ass all day and my brain, bored by the lack of activity, moved around a little and then started thinking. I had no part in this process, mind you. So, the brain thought: considering we’re starting a new chapter in life, and our previous existence has come crashing down, maybe we should just erase past experiences and get a clean start?
I agreed with my oh-so-smart organ, and that’s exactly why we’re here, writing this note being the geeks we are, and somebody please check my brain for damage, even though I’m afraid it might be already too late.
Did it rhyme? Random rhymes ftw ^^
Oh yeah, I also deleted my contacts, because I’m stupid like that.