Jul 25, 2006 23:10
I'm tired. Like.. Really tired. Or maybe I'm not that tired and just terribly bored? It's been a hectic and extremely fun couple of days from the 22nd until today, and I can't really find any kind of satisfaction in just... sitting here doing fuckin nothing. I'm neglecting MSN for unknown reasons as well, I just don't feel like conversing over it. Whatever, I'm gonna sleep soon anyway, just cause sleeping is the shit. Truely.
I spent my weekend in the goddamned nowhere with seven of my friends, and believe it or not, we had loads of fun. Didn't do that much special, just chilling, sitting by the sea, buying ice cream, that sorta things, but with them it all gets like twice as fun. Yesterday I went watching PotC II with some friends as well. Second time for me, but whatever, the movie's awesome. Ended with me taking three of them with me home baking applepie in the middle of the night, and while two of them live nearby and got home for some sleep, Maria slept at my place and we stayed up until.. 4:30 something just chatting about everything and nothing. And then today the four of us got on the bus back to town again to go see Love and celebrate him on his 19th birthday. Had a great time again and bought pizza and shit. Awesome.
Thursday's watching Monthy Python's The Holy Grail and playing shitloads of The Lost Vikings at Petter's place-time! FINALLY! <3
And I'm totally tired for real now, so.. goodnight <3