
Apr 23, 2007 23:24

This summer is so going to be so awesome.
First, there's the D'espairsRay live the third July, which is going to be simply amazing. I love those guys. At least me and Helena are going, seems like there's a very huge lack of money for others. Sucks ._.
And then, just the weekend after, I'm following some friends to their summerhouse (?) to just relax and have a great time. We went there last summer too, and it's so nice out there. Except for the mosquitos, I fucking loathe mosquitos.
After that me, Henke and Helena are going to Uppsala to help Helena's sister during her marriage. And we will like, get paid! For going to Uppsala! Incredible!
And then, August the seventh, it's Dir en grey live in Stockholm. I can't wait. It's going to be the one most amazing consert I've ever been to, hopefully. But I can't imagine it'd ever be anything else bit simply fantastic. I still can't believe they're coming here.

So, all in all there's been 4 conserts planned this year (including the two I've already attended), and it's only April. And, well, let's see. Last year I went to.. um.. NO conserts. What a fucking lift!

Peace out, ma fellas.
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