I appear to have missed the boat on what is being called RaceFail09.
Having now glanced at the ten gazillion posts on the matter, I am SO GLAD that I missed the boat.
I don't have the energy to get into that. I wouldn't have had the energy when it started, back in January. Egads.
I am well aware that the issues of racism and cultural appropriation and what have you need to be addressed and called out when the need arises. As it happens, many, many, MANY people are involved in the fray, and I don't see the need to add that much more to the verbiage.
For those of you who, like me, have no idea what this is about,
rydra_wong has been collecting links under the tag
gcadod 09. Be prepared, there are hundreds of links in there, going back all the way to January. Some of it is good, some of it is cringe-worthy and hair-tearingly awful. You have been warned.
That's all I'm going to say on the topic.