April is Micromanagement Month

Mar 29, 2007 23:56

Okay, so I have decided that April shall be the month in which I take myself in hand. Enough of this silly wallowing in wintry woes (ooh, an alliteration!). It's spring, the sun is out, the days are warm but not horribly hot, and it's high time I turned things around.

I am declaring April "Micromanagement Month." There's a reason for that name, but I won't get into it in great detail right now. What I will say is that there are several aspects of my life that I want to improve and/or change, and I've let myself slide into apathy. So I'm going to micromanage my life throughout April. That's 30 days in which I will cut myself little or no slack, document everything, and see what happens.

It's an experiment, see? On a really small scale, with no control group.

The idea is also to keep myself honest about this. So I am committing myself to posting at least once a day to LJ on this topic. However, it's not going to be fun reading. There will be lists, and numbers, and all sorts of stuff that is interesting for no one except me and those few who for whatever reason are interested in the minutiae of my everyday life.

I'm going to be talking about health, weight, housecleaning, creative writing, and possibly interior decoration, as well as finances and, well, boring stuff like that. Possibly in excruciating detail.

Thus, I'm going to put those posts into an opt-in filter. I will NOT be offended if you don't want to read it. If you're interested in helping to keep me honest, then by all means come aboard. There is no pressure, however. It's not likely to contain any sort of brilliant analysis, or anything remotely like that.

I've made a poll to aid in this matter. All future posts on this topic will be in the filter.

Poll Opt-in filter

micromanagement month, poll

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