Mar 08, 2007 08:58
My recycling box is gone. Woe! Another thing I have to put on my to-do list. Poor recycling box, sacrificed to the gods of snow removal. It figures that something like this would happen just as I'm trying to be more environmentally responsible.
Had to get up stupidly early to move the car yesterday, only to have them *not* remove the snow. Got up stupidly early today for the same reason, but they appear to be following through on the snow removal thing now, which makes me feel better. I know they're overworked, but that doesn't make me any less tired for it.
At some point, when my energy comes back (hah!) I am going to start researching all my local government-type folk (municipal, provincial and federal) and start writing stern letters about environmentalism, social development, and all that sort of good stuff. I just have to figure out who to write to.
Just got happy election stuff in the mail. I am officially registered to vote in the upcoming provincial election. Too bad none of the candidates is one I feel comfortable voting for. Theoretically there's a green candidate in my riding, but he/she/it hasn't seen fit to even send out leaflets, so I have no idea who they are. Bah. I should go poke them, but I don't know when I'll have time to do that. Gotta make time, I suppose.
I have made cream of wheat this morning, and added apples and cinnamon. I think it ought to taste quite good. *tests* Yep. Excellent. Can't think why this didn't occur to me before.
I've noticed a trend among the more modern sci fi shows to have other humans as the worst kind of enemy. Been watching Battlestar Galactica right on the heels of Babylon 5, and thus can't help but see parallels between Clark and Cain. Part of me is glad that it's not just the aliens that are the bad guys (or the Cylons, who are alien by extension), and another part of me is thinking "Oh God, not again!" I think it's just because the kind of shows I watch tend to pose the larger questions, and so the same motifs return. I doubt very much that most of mainstream American television would make it very clear that torturing prisoners is a bad thing. I'm thinking, in this case, of 24, in which our heroes routinely turn to torture as a means of extracting information because they "don't have time for this."
I don't know where I'm going with that. I was just struck by it.
That's it for now, I think.
television: valet parking for the mind,
mystery tired,