I still won't be around much online this week. I have taken five days off work (which is about all I can afford), and this week will be spent cleaning and getting my life together in various ways.
There's a sizeable to-do list for this week, although I'm keeping it relatively flexible so that it doesn't feel as though I'm spending my entire week running around like a headless chicken.
It looks like I won't be volunteering for Suicide Action Montréal anytime soon. The training would in theory be this weekend and then a weekend two weeks from now. Needless to say, this weekend is highly inconvenient, what with a good friend of mine getting married on Saturday, and
forthright's game starting Sunday.
Looks like the next session is September 9-10 and September 23-24. Not too long a wait, luckily.
:::end ETA:::
Well, with any luck I'll be able to get in on the next round of training later this year.
I have to get my hair cut, close my bank account with CIBC, and generally do a lot of very boring things that I wouldn't have time to do otherwise when I'm working. I also need to get myself an answering machine.
I'm also applying to Videotron for a job in customer service. It pays better than what I'm making now, it's unionised, and I hear that they don't place nearly as much of an emphasis on sales as, say, Bell. So that's what I'm doing now.
So much to do, so little time...