Jan 26, 2025 22:56
I completely forgot that I wanted to set up the vermicomposting bins today, even though the worms themselves haven't arrived. They were supposed to be ready between Wednesday and Friday of last week, but I haven't heard anything from the company I ordered them from. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow, I will reach out and see what's happening there. Luckily for me, KK remembered about the bins and reminded me of my intention. She actually did the bulk of the work, which was drilling holes in the Rubbermaid bins I bought (for air and drainage). She really enjoys putting things together and using power tools, so I offered to have her do it, which she did with great glee. I then spent about ten minutes cutting up strips of newsprint paper to serve as bedding, and now the system is ready to go as soon as we get the worms. I'm very excited to get started on the vermicomposting, and I really hope the worms are available soon.
I'm not sure how I forgot about a project that I was so excited about. I am pretty sure I don't have a brain worm, but it's been getting so much harder to deal with all this stupid brain fog. I feel like I've been chasing the dragon of clear thinking and energy to do things for years now. I think I may have actually overdone it on that front, so I've decided to stop taking all the supplements I've been trying out and reintroducing them one by one after a week or so, to see if they're actually making a difference or not. I'm trying to be more scientific about things, in a weird way, because I'm not a scientist, obviously. I just want to see if I feel more tired or lethargic if I don't take them, or if after a week or two I start taking them again and notice an improvement.
In similar exciting news, I finally got myself organized enough to call the sleep clinic where my doctor referred me last July. I had been forgetting to contact my doctor's office to get their contact information for three weeks, and I finally remembered on Tuesday. They got back to me on Wednesday night, and I actually remembered to call during their opening hours on Thursday (I know!). I was initially told I should expect at least another six month wait, because the average wait time is about a year for new patients. I politely inquired if they had a cancellation list, and lo! the receptionist I was speaking to asked me if I was planning to go away over March break. When I replied that I was staying put, she offered me a spot on March 15th. That's still nearly two months away, but that's way better than the six-plus months I was initially told to expect. I know several people who've told me that getting a CPAP machine was a game changer for them, but I also know a couple of people for whom it made not a jot of difference, and I'm a little terrified of being in the latter category. I already seem to be in the 10-15% of people for whom ADHD stimulant medication doesn't work, and I am more than a little envious of all the people who said taking those meds was life-changing. I've tried four different medications since 2019, and I have yet to see any of the brain chemistry-altering effects I was promised. So, yeah. Part of me is hopeful that the sleep study will find something conclusive and that I'll finally get on top of all the crushing fatigue and brain fog, and another part of me is worried that either they won't find anything, or that they will find something but I'll be resistant to treatment.
Anyway, it's a ways off yet, so I'm going to try not to worry about it too hard until it's closer to the date.
In the meantime, it's going to be a busy week. Tomorrow I'm finally getting the car rust-proofed (I tried making the appointment in the first weeks of December, and this is the earliest I could get in!), after which I have an appointment for Peggy at the vet to get her bum squished, as we euphemistically refer to an anal gland expression. On Tuesday I have a therapy appointment in the early afternoon, Wednesday I have an appointment at the bariatric clinic (I may get into that in a later post), on Thursday I have an appointment with a naturopath for the first time in my life (more on that later as well, I think), and Friday morning is the monthly meeting of Ministry & Counsel. I'm working the four to midnight shift all week, so I rather think that I'm going to be exhausted come the weekend. I plan to sleep in on Saturday morning and then I've planned a Zoom hangout with friends on Saturday afternoon, where we're going to shoot the shit and work on whatever projects we have going on that day. I don't remember the last time I had stuff on every single day of the week, and the very thought of it is tiring. Hopefully it won't be that bad.
Have a great week, everyone!
life stuff,
forgetful jones,