Peggy has spent most of today passed out on the sofa, and I don't blame her in the slightest. I slept in a bit (much the way I kind of anticipated I would after a late night of D&D), and just sort of hung out with her this morning. I did a mandatory work training that I'd almost forgotten about, at least, so my morning wasn't a total loss. Then at 12:30 I had a Zoom call with a lady with whom I've been doing an "accountability partners" thing for thought work, to delve a little deeper into the way I've been making myself crazy about my manager's eventual return from maternity leave. It was a good call, so I'm pretty pleased about that too.
Unfortunately, I got nothing done on the decluttering front, which was my main goal this week. I did take Peggy out for another romp in the fields, and it was actually kind of rough. I'm glad I did it, and it's not like I hated every minute, but it was raining and it felt like every muscle in my body rebelled at once, and my jeans got soaking wet, and the ground was so waterlogged that it was a literal slog most of the time. So right now I am very tired and very sore, and I have done no work on the house at all, which means I only have tomorrow left to get things set up before the professional organizers come on Friday and Saturday. That is not bad in and of itself, but this was not the plan at all. (The best laid plans of mice and men, etc.)
I'm going to call it an early night, and see if I can recuperate a little physically. Having less muscle pain tomorrow would be really nice. I also need to get up MUCH earlier tomorrow so I can take Peggy for her run and drop her off at daycare again before coming home and then launching myself (hopefully) full-tilt into decluttering.
I know, exciting times. :)
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