Peggy is learning how to break out of Puppy Jail, aka her crate. She has done it twice now, including today when I was trying to nap. Then she peed on the bedroom carpet out of excitement. >_< It's a process. The house training is still a lot more miss than hit these days.
Otherwise, she continues to both be adorable AND dance on my last nerve, bless her. I've been trying to write this entry for a whole hour, if that gives you any indication of how much trouble she gets into on a regular basis. :P I have introduced her to ice cubes, and I may have created a monster. She looooooves ice cubes, but she keeps losing them under the fridge. At this rate I may end up with an ice cube-induced flood. I'm almost done with my summer class (just over a week to go!), and then all I will have to do until September is regular work. After that, I start my Masters degree. Here's hoping it goes as well as my first year back at university, or at least that it's not so hard I fail right out.
I have an OSAP update waiting for me (that's student financial aid in Ontario) and I should really just go in and check it, but I've been putting it off all day because I'm worried I'll get refused again. I could really use the grant, and maybe even some of the loan in there. Right now affording university is dicey at best. Okay, never mind, I decided to go check, and I've been approved, so YAY! I won't get the money before after tuition is due, alas, but I can scrape by, I'm pretty sure of it.
I am dithering about the loan. Currently I actually have a fair bit of debt (by my standards, anyway), and I could use this loan to clear a huge chunk of the debt off my line of credit. The student loan is at a lower interest than the line of credit (2.5% vs 5%), and I have a grace period to repay it until after my degree is completed. So I'd have debt, but a different kind of debt, and if I am more careful with my money (I've been sort of careful, but not careful enough), then I could be entirely debt-free in not too long, which is not shabby at all, really. But it's a Big Decision, and I have never been good with those, so I guess more pondering is in order.
I should get going. I have a D&D game tonight, which I get to play live on Twitch! It's been a pretty fun game so far. I've been playing a Kenku (a bird person, basically) who, instead of going with the usual crow stereotype, looks like a budgie. Her name is Coco, and she's so much fun to play, because Kenku don't have their own language, they can only mimic what they hear, so I've been having a great time trying to communicate with a combination of gestures and repeating phrases others have said (I am keeping a running list in a Notepad document). Coco is a rogue, and since she does quite a lot of damage with her sneak attacks, we've all nicknamed her Murder!Birb. XD
See you on the flip side, everyone!
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