Adventures in being a klutz, and sundry other things...

May 15, 2014 20:49

First off, what the hell just happened to LiveJournal? I DISLIKE CHANGE, OKAY? Well, I dislike change that makes my LJ look ugly, anyway. I am not overly fond of this new look. Still, if the past is anything to go by, LiveJournal is going to ignore all feedback and carry on the way it wants to, and since I'm not yet ready to give up on it just yet, I suppose I'd better just swallow this and keep going. *sigh*

Anyway, back to my original idea, which was to note for posterity that I have become even clumsier than I was before. I have never been a paragon of grace and poise, but I was generally able to get through life with few significant mishaps. This is no longer the case. Luckily I have yet to do anything terribly life-threatening, or that even poses a threat to my physical well-being overall, but I can't get through the day anymore without bumping into things, tripping on invisible things on the floor, and most importantly dropping about 85% of the things I pick up. Today while trying to put away my dishes I tried putting away a Tupperware container, only to have all of the neatly stacked Tupperware in that cupboard come flying loose and land on my head. As I attempted to stem the flow of plastic pots I also managed to crack my elbow quite soundly on the stove hood. All the pots then tumbled off the counter and onto the floor, where they each rolled in separate directions. I also succeeded in dropping each one one more time as I tried to pick them up.

No one was there to witness this particular round of humiliation, so I thought I would share it with you. These things deserve to be preserved for posterity, don't you know.

I'm not entirely sure what has spawned this latest round of klutzdom. Doubtless the fact that I'm tired has something to do with it, though I didn't think it would produce results quite this drastic. I suppose I'll have to get used to walking around with fresh crops of bruises for a while, or possibly the rest of my life. Who knows?

I keep running out of time to do all the things that I not only want to do, but that I need to do as well. This is pretty much all because of work. See, this weekend I had a long list of things to do. Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Get the tires on my car changed (Friday, 15:00)
  • Clean the entire back yard
  • Clean what's left of the front yard
  • Help set up for the garage sale (Saturday, as early as possible, with prep on Friday)
  • Take Pan-Pan to the vet for his shots (Saturday, 10:00)
  • Prep all the garden beds for planting
  • See my mother for a very belated Mother's Day
  • Get a quote from Home Depot about the fence
  • ,/u>

    Originally, I had five days in which to do all of this. Now, though, because I have to go back in to work Saturday evening for an early start Sunday morning, and I won't be back until Sunday evening. I can't reasonably say no to the overtime check, because it will keep us in the black for the foreseeable future. The car needs to get taken care of on Friday, since I have an actual appointment, and Pan-Pan still needs to go to the vet on Saturday morning. Those are the two fixed, non-negotiable points of my weekend.

    I'm planning to leave as late as possible on Saturday, since there won't be much traffic in Ottawa at that hour. So if I leave after Bean's bedtime I can still get here by about 21:00 or 21:30, which if I go to bed right away, should get me about six hours of sleep, maybe six and a half. That means that I have to get both yards cleaned on Saturday, in-between the vet visit and getting stuff done for the garage sale. Bean has been clamouring for us to let him play in the yard for two weeks now, and it's not fair of me to let this drag out any further.

    Of course, I still don't have any paving stones to put down in the area by the steps that's become a churning sea of mud, so I suppose I need to work out a trip to Home Depot somewhere in there too. And yes, in an ideal world I would shop around for various prices, but honestly I don't have all that much time on my hands and not all these places have prices up on their websites (or any websites at all).

    Sunday will be all work, and with any luck I won't be home too long after 20:00. If I can manage it I'll have to see my mother on Monday, even though it's a statutory holiday and Bean will be home all day. I can't remember if Monday also counts as a garage sale day in our municipality, but if it does I'll have to keep the Mother's Day visit very short. I don't think many places will be open on Victoria Day (or whatever the holiday is called these days), so that puts a bit of a crimp in my plan to maybe get the planting done this weekend (it's traditional in our neck of the woods to get the garden in over that weekend). So it will have to wait until I get back from work on the following Monday.

    My main problem this weekends is that most of these things require me to be in more than one place at a time. If I could make them all happen at home, it would save me so much time, but I can't. Ugh. Even having my parents come over for Mother's Day instead of my having to drive in to Montreal would save me about an hour and change of driving, but that's definitely not going to happen.

    I have no idea if I'll be able to get it all done. Typically what happens to me is that I have a pretty good idea of how long things will take except for one thing, but that one thing ends up taking three times longer than I anticipated, thus throwing off the rest of my day/weekend completely. I really, really hope I haven't grossly misjudged something for this weekend, because I have no time whatsoever to spare for any of these things.

    (Somewhere in the midst of all that I need to make time to write. As bullonir would say: "Misère.")

    And now I have to go deal with a computer problem. Yay. See you on the flip side, LJ!

mother's day, yard work, phnee is functionally pretty useless, statutory holiday, time management, gardening, domestic stuff, phnee is actually pretty boring, victoria day, productive!phnee, life stuff, phnee is a klutz, garage sale, work stuff

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