I made it home safe and sound yesterday, before the snow started to fall. I stopped at an En Route halfway home to take a nap in the car, which is what I usually end up doing when I try to drive straight home after work. I got home and took another half-hour nap, so I got over an hour's sleep yesterday after all, instead of none! Very exciting. The snow started to fall about an hour or so after I got home, and I was very glad not to be driving in the disgusting mess of a snowstorm we ended up having.
Technically the schools didn't close today, but we called it a snow day anyway, because there was about seventeen feet of the stuff outside and no one wanted to go anywhere today. So, cosy day at home it was.
Snow Day meant, as promise, that Bean got to have a makeover! (After he spent part of the morning doing
pdaughter's hair, using a lot more clips than was probably necessary) He opted do get a Monster High makeover, which is his latest Thing. I must say that MH is pretty neat. The music is catchy, the messages are positive, and the characters are a lot of fun. It's not the sort of thing I would have sought out on my own, but now that it has entered the household I am happy enough to watch the videos or occasionally play the games on the website when Bean wants to watch.
A temporary salon was set up in the bathroom.
pdaughter is trained in the proper application of makeup, so the job of transforming Bean fell to her (though she did say her training did not involve how to apply makeup to squirmy three-year-olds).
Bean decided today he would be Frankie Stein.
Here's a reference picture, for those of you unfamiliar with the show.
And this was the result. We don't have a wig or hair chalk, so Bean's hair got to have its natural colouring and was coiffed to resemble Frankie's, within reason.
The plan is to get makeup better suited to having differently coloured skin tones. Frankie's skin is green, but the eyeshadow didn't change his skin tone so much as just make him look a little sickly. He was thrilled, though, and that's all that matters.
Inspired by the Monster High theme of the day, Bean pulled out all the dining room chairs (except the one I was sitting on, though only because I refused to "move somewhere else" the way he wanted), all the blankets and cushions from his room and the living room, his step stool, the small chair from his room, and sundry other things and proceeded to set up a "maze" with them. We eventually figured out that he was recreating the "Catacombs" computer game from the Monster High website, complete with objects to "pick up" as he ran (his Monster High socks, in this instance).
pdaughter got to be the controller, pushing the arrows on an imaginary keyboard to send him running in the right direction. This game did not get old.
Overall, it was a quiet day. Bean spent it either running through his maze or sitting on Mama's lap watching her play games or watching Monster High videos.
pdaughter made scones, which were delicious and which we ate before it even occurred to me to take pictures, so you'll just have to imagine how wonderful they were.
Bean is asleep (I hope!) after going to bed a little earlier than usual. He seems to be fighting off a cold, and he was already yawning before 7pm. I think it may end up being an early night for all of us.