Another dream

Feb 24, 2014 10:24

I slept in until 7:30 today, which was really nice. Woke up at 4am with cramps, which did not impress me, but after about half an hour I was able to go back to sleep, so it wasn't a total loss.

I had a very unpleasant dream toward the end of the night. We were having a barbecue or a party of some kind in the back yard. This was one of those dreams in which your house and back yard look nothing like reality but you know they're yours anyway. So all our friends were there, the kids were all running around having a great time chasing each other. It was the height of summer, the sky was piercingly blue, the sun hot, the grass bright green and healthy, and we were all having a great time, right up until I noticed people walking by on the street, holding up picketing signs. When I looked more closely, I could see that the signs all had terrible homophobic and transpohobic slogans written on them in garish red and black paint.

It turned out that the people weren't coming by, they were specifically coming to picket our party. They all lined up around the garden fence and chanted and yelled and catcalled, and I was really worried that Bean, who was there and dressed up in his favourite skirt and jewellery, would realise what they were saying and be terribly hurt by it. Two of the picketers nearest me had a really awful sign about taking Cher's children away and throwing them into a fire (it made more sense in the dream, but I think the intent was pretty clear. Oddly, the message of hate seemed to be more about Cher than her dream-children? IDk.).

I was very distraught, and I knew I couldn't have them around where Bean and pdaughter might see. So I ran up to the fence and started yelling at them. I was yelling in French, I remember this clearly. I was hoping to shame them into leaving. "Homophobes!" I yelled as loudly as I could (same word in both languages). When I got their attention and they were all looking at me, I continued. "Vous n'êtes pas bienvenus ici!"

They sneered at me, and we had a bit of a Mexican stand-off after that. I don't recall how the dream ended, but I have a feeling that I essentially won the stand-off, because I could feel my friends and family rallying behind me and also calling for the picketers to leave.

Unrelatedly, I remembered a dream I had a few weeks ago in which I accidentally kidnapped Albert Einstein's dog. I was walking my own dog with my parents, who were also walking their dog (they don't have one IRL), and we crossed paths with Einstein, who was walking his dog off-leash with a friend. To my utmost embarrassment my father was all over Einstein, trying to get him to remember that one time they'd met at a friend's dinner party, and Einstein had no clue who my father was. It's kind of ironic, because with my father it's usually the reverse that happens, as he's actually quite famous in his field.

We moved on while Einstein continued to chat with his friend, but to my dismay a few minutes later I realised that his dog had followed us rather than his master. I wanted to go back right away, but both my parents laughed it off and said that the dog would get all the exercise it needed, and that it wasn't like Einstein didn't know where to find us if he wanted to get his dog back.

So that's how I inadvertently kidnapped Albert Einstein's dog. :P

I'm going back to Ottawa tomorrow. It feels like my days off just fly by. I spend more full days in Ottawa than I do at home, thanks to my schedule and the commute, and it's wearying. I would much rather be home than be in a place I don't fully belong with people I don't really know.

In the meantime, today I'm taking it easy. Ish. I'm actually still in my pyjamas, though I'm going to change that in a bit. I am going to do some writing (I would like to hit 2k today) and maybe even some reading while laundry gets done. I have about three, maybe four hours left to myself, and I plan to make the most of them. Even when pdaughter is home I'll still be able to do quiet things, as we usually just hang out in the same room and do our thing, which is one of my favourite activities in the world. I don't know, I think it's an introvert thing, wherein I like being with my loved ones without necessarily interacting with them. I spend my childhood in the same room as my parents while we were all reading different books, each on our own chairs or sofas. Those are some of my best memories.

introvert, homophobia, commuting sucks, phnee is actually pretty boring, dreams

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