All that's left now is the unpacking, and working out all the details I probably missed, because there are always details.
Housewarming is set for October 31st, to coincide with my annual Hallowe'en party. That gives me a little under two weeks to unpack and get my ducks in a row. :)
Here is a slightly crooked picture of the house, taken with my iPhone.
The move itself went about as well as I could have hoped, but between work and running around and getting far too little sleep all week and then spending all of Saturday with not enough food/water and with boatloads of stress trying to coordinate movers, my parents, and extra furniture delivery, I managed to make myself physically ill by Sunday morning. (TMI FOLLOWS) Let's just say that I am a driving rockstar, because I managed to get violently sick to my stomach in the middle of Highway 20 with no place to pull over and yet did NOT crash my car or otherwise provoke an accident. I gotta say those 20 minutes rank in the Top Ten Most Unpleasant Moments of My Life™, though. And then I had to spend 20 minutes cleaning out the car at my parents', in the street. Blech. Luckily my mother was a star and put my clothes in the laundry right off and so we were able to continue with the day afterward.
I am short four curtain rods and short even more curtains. Also, a holder-thing for toilet paper. I can't believe the former owner took that with her. Who even does that? :P
I am excited, though. I have already hung one painting, and after today's trip to Canadian Tire, I will be unpacking and arranging more furniture.
Happy as a clam, here. :)