Monday morning at work

May 25, 2009 08:23

Another busy week ahead of me. I have work, the gym, the dentist, a hairdresser's appointment (my hair is falling in my eyes and I can't see!) and a whole bunch of errands that I didn't get to this weekend. I have tcaptain and maya_banana's wedding this weekend for which I must be ready. Most of this week I'll be working evening shift, but today I switched with Lanky!Coworker so she could have some extra time at home with her husband who also works evening shift.

So this afternoon I'm going to the gym, then I have to go grocery shopping. I have almost run out of a bunch of staples, and worse I have almost run out of cat food and cat litter, which is Not Good. I am also almost out of laundry detergent. Speaking of which, I finally got around to using my clothes line yesterday, and went to bed in sheets and pajamas that smelled like lilacs (the neighbours have a tree near the clothes line). It was nice. :)

My life is exciting, isn't it? After the grocery shopping I'll be doing some cooking, and heading to bed hopefully at a decent hour.

I watched Hellboy last night, and since I'm not at all familiar with the comic, I thought it was pretty cute. Nothing to write home about, but cute. I hear the sequel is pretty terrible, but since someone lent it to me for free I may at least start it to see if I enjoy it.

Mostly what I want to be doing these days is staying home and puttering in the garden. This isn't going to happen for another two weeks, but I'll take what I can get. Next week I'll be working night shift (yay), so maybe I'll be able to get some work done in the garden in the early morning before going to bed. At the very least I need to water the garden when it's not raining. I finally bought a garden hose, and let me tell you it has made a WORLD of difference in how much work it is to keep the veggies watered. My new nozzle comes with seven settings. SEVEN! It's very exciting.

hellboy, life stuff, movie reviews, gardening, domestic stuff

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