As the day lingers closer and closer...the more i get confined in my own little world because i realize that shes gone and theres nothing i can do about it. And yes it been three years and i know poeple tend to get over it by then, but then i wonder yea i have not and wonder if there is anything i can do about it...and the answer is no because i dont want to do anything about it cause i dont want to get over and i DO wanna remeber her for the rest of my life.
So three years seem so long but it only seems like yesterday that i got the news at my aunts house that "Im sorry but she didnt make it through the night"...i simply starred in my own world and could not believe what i was hearing. it proceeded wit my sisters pickin me up to go to the hospital to go say goodbye to her. i got there and everyone was there and they were going in one by one to go in because she was on the respirator keeping her heart going even though she was pronouced brain dead...i went it and i could not take it...every1 said there goodbyes and i tried but i didnt want to believe it...i sed goodbye as if i was going to see her tomorrow but no she left me that day...and it sickens me to death that i will never expereince her human agian in my life because i adored her...
i wanted to stay home from school tomorrow because that marks the anninversary Feb. 2, 2003 was the day she was taken from her whole family but i have my internship 2mrrow : (
i jsut hope i can make it through tomorrow...
"If i could tell the world jsut one thing, it would be that were all okay, and not to worry cause worrying is wasteful in times like these"
Alison Elizabeth Gerlach May 1985- Feburary 2, 2003
if you would like to learn more about Alison please visit