(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 21:00

I found a survey.  I think you call them "memes".  Now, are they "meems", or "meemees"?

1. Can you cook? A little bit.  Not very much.
2. What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a famous singer, because I was delusional.
3. What talent do you wish you had? I wish I had more singing talent.  I also wish that I could draw, and that I had ESP.  The ability to fly would also be nice.
4. Favorite place? I have a book hammock.  It is enjoyable.
5. Favorite vegetable? Carrots.
6. What was the last book you read? I read a Babysitters Club book, because I am silly.  I still think that should be Babysitters' Club, with the apostrophe, but Janine decreed otherwise. 
7. What zodiac sign are you? Gemini.
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? A coupla piercings.  Pondering a tattoo.
9. Worst Habit? I don't eat very well.
10. Do we know each other outside of Livejournal? I do not know who you are.  As far as I know, you *are* LiveJournal.  This question does not make sense to me.
11. What is your favorite sport? Volleyball, to play.  But basketball is fun to watch on TV.
12. Do you have a Negative or Optimistic attitude? I have an Attitude that random Capitalization is Irritating.  Other'n that, I am, as I think I mentioned before, generally a cheerybean.  But then I have my dark secretive side too.  Oooo.
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? With... with LiveJournal?  I would make a post saying "Help!  I'm trapped in an elevator!  Someone let me out!"  Then no one would let me out, because I have three LiveJournal friends, and even if you saw it you would be like "What elevator?  Where?  How am I supposed to let you out when I'm thousands of miles away?"  And so on.
14. Worst thing to ever happen to you? This comes under the heading of things I keep to my dark secretive side.
15. Tell me one weird fact about you. I like meerkats and aluminum foil.
16. Do you have any pets? I have a kitten.  His name is in transition.  He's black.
17. Do you know how to do the Macarena? Oh, um, God, I probably could do it if you played the song and started doing it.  I mean, I could follow along. I can't remember how it goes now.  I think it's kind of a Pavlovian response thing, I can't remember it without the silly music.
18. What time is it where you are now? 9 pm.
19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Clowns are scary.  Nun-clowns are terrifying.  If you haven't seen the nun-clown, I will not traumatize you.
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? I would like a stronger chin.  If I could change two things, I would like higher cheekbones.  If I could change three things, I would make my face less round.  If I could change four things...
21. Would you be my partner in crime or my conscience? I don't know why LJ needs either of those things, but I am far more likely to be a partner in crime.
22. What color eyes do you have? Greeny-bluey.
23. Ever been arrested? It's a long story.
24. Bottle or Draft? Martini glass.
25. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it? EVERYTHING.  I WOULD DO EVERYTHING EVER.  First I would pay off some debts though.
26. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew? I prefer not to chew bubble gum.  But when I was a kid I liked to chew a whole package of grape Bubble-Yum at one time.
27. What's your favorite bar to hang at? Milky Way.
28. Do you believe in ghosts? I know people who've met them.
29. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? I like to turn on FOX and watch whatever version of American Idol they are airing at that particular moment.
30. Do you swear a lot? Like a motherfucker.  Except not really.
31. Biggest pet peeve? People who waste a lot of time fussing over pet peeves.  I'm quite chill, and I expect you to be, too.
32. In one word, how would you describe yourself? Silly.
33. In one word, how would you describe me? ...
34. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FILL THIS OUT.  YOU ARE NOT A PERSON.

I found this by link-surfing randomly.  I have no idea from whom I got it.  Apparently that is not the right way to do these memes.
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