Jun 11, 2007 20:35
I’m listening to The Bell Jar as read by Maggie Gyllenhaal. I first read this about a year ago when I was on a trip with my dad and, dear Lord, I don’t remember it being so cringe-worthy. I think a huge part of it comes from hearing it; sometimes I think it’s easier to gloss over certain things when reading.
Even Esther’s description of eating the caviar gets to me. I think that mostly comes from my complete and utter aversion to caviar. If it comes from the sea, I’m really not big on putting it into my mouth. And the fact that she got so sick after that dinner, blah.
Maggie Gyllenhaal kind of creeps me out. She’s just insane enough that the whole thing works really well. But I’m really not crazy about her voice even if her tone works really, really well for Esther. It’s so lazy sounding. She makes me want to speak and write in fragmented sentences.
Yeah, we’ll pretend that it’s Maggie Gyllenhaal’s fault that I can never form complete sentences.
But it is. I swear.
In other news, I'm absolutely crazy about my new default icon.