Today, I registered for
NaNoWriMo, and I am fairly bubbling with excitement about it. This will be the first attempt I've made since college -- in fact, you can probably go back and read my novel-soaked and heart-wrenching entries from those desperate days, as I slogged through the daunting task of writing a 50,000 word novel in one month... oh, the anguish! Oh, th... I'll stop there before I talk myself out of it.
I've seriously considered doing it every year since then, but it was an impossible dream on the ship (because I did, in fact, have an active social life), and now is the only time I think I'll actually be able to buckle down and do it. Because now, I have no social life. See how that works? I'm staying positive.
Also, I've joined a fiction writing group, by being brave and answering a post on craigslist. Right now it's 2 other girls besides me, with another interested. We're looking to be a multi-genre group, actually, as one of the girls and I write fiction, another writes poetry, and the one who is interested writes non-fiction. I'm hoping I can get them into NaNoWriMo so I won't suffer in silence.
Novel, here I come!