I pledged to another Kickstarter which did not fully deliver promised rewards:
Animals of North America by Nicole Rae Klapak They supplied the rewards I paid for but not the promised stretch goal one. So glad I didn't fork out an additional $45US for the crow decal for both the principle and who knows if it would have been supplied? Or they may have given me the ones I paid for but not the extras. In short, don't promise stretch goal rewards you can't deliver on.
I am likely going to be sending a necklace back for a refund. It was originally $92CAD. I still paid $77 for it. Wore it once and it has visible dark scratches on it. I have never done a return before but thankfully, the shop is in my own country. There will be no customs hold up. I'll have to pay return postage back for the defective item but may be able to do it using cheaper lettermail. *crosses fingers*
Please wish me luck.