Waking up on the sidewalk after a large scale apocalyptic incident is rarely a good thing.
Barely coherent and unsure of what else to so, Lt. Atrikas Evikas made his way back home from the random street he had found himself on. Some miles away, his tiny house sat in its usual location as if nothing had happened at all. But the streets were strangely quiet, there was no aircraft in the sky, no birds or animals of any kind. He had little recollection of what had transpired before he woke up, only a faint memory of battalion field maneuvers and then mass chaos.
Not knowing what else to do, he changed out of his uniform and back into his civilian clothes. The electricity was out, so checking the television news was out of the question. His phone still worked, but when he tried to call he main office of the base, there was no answer. He had little other choice but to head outside and start looking for someone, anyone who had some idea of what was going on.
He managed to find a few others, confused just like him. Another soldier from the base was among them, and she said she found herself in a similar situation to him some time earlier, she woke up on the outskirts of town, she had been unconscious in a wrecked jeep. The other was a young man who worked at the city library who only managed to remember his own name because it was written on his ID badge.
And then there was Nim, a stunning stranger with a high pitched voice like a broken disc drive and a questionable supply of weapons strapped to her person. Atrikas knew that if he was going to make an ally in this thing, if there was anyone who could help him figure things out, it was her. And lucky for him, she was looking for a place to stay for a few nights.
A few nights passed, the silence in the city and the lack of animals in the forest remained. But Nim and Atrikas made due.
More time passed still, it had been nearly two weeks with no contact with anyone else, not even the other survivors from the first day. The sense of isolation was crushing.
Eventually, one thing lead to another.
Atrikas learned to rely on Nim more and more.
Without shipments of food, they learned new ways to cope together.
For the first time in his twenty six years of life, Atrikas finally related to someone. He finally had someone to love. Even in spite of all of the fear, the anxiety of not knowing what had happened to his friends and the citizens of his city, he had found a way to be happy.
But Nim had an all encompassing secret that was consuming her. She didn't know how long she could hide it from Atrikas.
She didn't know how to share in his newly found joy. Instead she was filled with an impending sense of dread. She knew what had happened that day, but she didn't have the heart to speak the truth. She knew what was growing inside of her, but she knew that was a secret that time would tell for her.
It wasn't long before Atrikas' euphoria wore off, before he could sense Nim's misery. The world seemed bigger and emptier than ever before. Even with his new love, he had never felt so alone in his life.
There were no birds in the sky. There were no animals in the forest. There were no people in the streets. The silence was deafening, and even Nim had stopped talking, though he couldn't remember how long it had been. Two days, maybe three? There was no electricity, no signs of life, and winter was coming. What happened and where was help? The government had to know what happened by now, didn't they? Surely they wouldn't just abandon everyone?
You can check out the rest of the Nova Apocalypse Legacies here: