Lt. Vex is the ideal officer. When there are orders to be taken, he follows them flawlessly and without question. His love for his homeland is undying and unwaveringly faithful. His home world is his only true mistress, a wife who runs the home with a clenched iron fist in a red velvet glove. No sacrifice is too large to protect her honor, no threat too great. Her loving arms and chast loins he has sworn to guard. When the firebombings were ordered against the Kor Nhil Orphanages, he did not flinch while packing his ammunition for he knew his cause was just. When he watched the children naked, screaming with their skin on fire in the streets, he felt pride in knowing that his world would be safe for another day. When asked to destroy interrogation records of the prisoners or war, left raped, electrocuted, and smeared with their own waste, he didn't bat an eye, just a few less threats to his one lover, the world of Tekrias.