FUCKING RAGING PISSED OFF.. I need love to make me better.

Jun 25, 2006 22:29

So, yesterday I got off work and my car died. I figured it was just my battery. So I got picked up by some hot fucking ladies and they took me out drinking. Met up with a lot of my homeboys and girls...Although the main home girl that I was suppose to hang out with dissappeared! Which made me sad. So, I stayed the night at my mommys house because she had my dog and my car was broken in her driveway. Morning/afternoon comes around when I drag my ass off the couch and try to jump my car it doesn't work. Ofcourse!!! Nothing goes my way EVER! Stupid fucking car! Then we were thinking it was the alternator that was bad. Ok that sucks like 200$ Not to bad but I was still pissy. So I wanted to get home to shower. I was stinky like bar, beer, and hangover. My bro in law was going to let me use his explorer to get home to take Bruno home and shower then I'd come in town to try and jump my car again after it was on the charger for a while. Well we were on our way out of town when HIS car died. FUCKING CHRIST ON A GODDAMN POGO STICK!!!!! SOOOO.. after we got his car situated it's about 3/4 oclock! I still stink and it's raining so I have wet dog, beer/hangover stench on me. I was supoose to take my sisters car to work in the morning because Timmy could use his truck. But not no more cause it's dead with mine! I called up my aunt and asked to borrow my uncles hick truck which is older than me yet still runs in perfect conditon.. So we push my car out on the street to get my moms car out which I had been blocking all day so she couldn't come get us when we were stranded in Goodview, while it was pouring rain all day long. I go and pick up the hick truck, call my dad and start yelling and bitching at him..Which is a no no I might add.. Now I think it's my starter thats gone out. So in the morning my car will be towed to gordys which is 5 blocks away, and I will have to pay money out my ass... The big hick truck uses a 1/4 tank if I go in town and back home ONCE! I've had a bad day and I need sweet lovins to make me better. Now I'm going to have to move sooner than I thought because I ant got no money!

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