New secret indulgence...

Jul 02, 2007 20:25

I think I'm regressing to childhood yet again...

Been playing my sis's D*S L*ite... and the only game she completed and hence allow me to play is something called Touch Detective which is a bit of a duh game but surprisingly addictive. As her other game is Pok*mon Pe*rl and she havent completed it yet, I got no other game to play after I finz playing TD in a week (yes, it can be finz in a week). Hence, this leads to a 'try and get someone to buy me a game' campaign.
(Not that I can't afford it myself,but one cartridge is like nearly $60, and I feel duh spending this amount on a GAME when I'm being paid peanuts)
However, said campaign worked on a certain someone who's  earning nearly double my pay and doesn't have much avenue to spend due to too much time spent in green. Hence he agreed to buy me 1, maybe 2 cartridges! (Doesn't hurt that I was sick and pathetic over the weekend).
So YAY to nice person who's going to buy me a cartridge!  <3
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