Jun 25, 2009 23:40
this is what I learned in Eco today:
FUCK = Fornication Under Consent of the King
I'm serious. it's in big red ink on my Eco notes. Simon-King super rocks for teaching us useful things like that :))
in other news, SPAIN LOST TO USA WTFFFFF I died when I read it it's so unbelievable I DUNNO WHAT HAPPENED it's all Iniesta's fault why are you injured!! I'm joking, but seriously, they should have played IKER in a SF match, no matter who the team they were playing against. whatever, as long as they're World Champs next year.
anyway, Roger won, so life is good :) and Hewitt too, so life is better now haha.
NBA DRAFT TOMORROW I dunno why I get excited about the Draft, I don't even know the people who go there! Phoenix have one first round draft pick, so I'm really hoping they don't give him away!!!
and ZOMG Arsene on Tiger Football Up Close on Mondayyyyy I'm so jealous John Dykes got to meet him :( I'm so excited I love him so much!!!