The drive today was long and rainy (for the first hour or so), but I listened to most of '100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong' (one of my early Hanukkah presents! eee!). It's good, cool to hear the early demo versions of some of the well known hits.
Just re-watched (for the millionth time) the trailer for 'The Phantom of the Opera.' I cannot wait!
So I made Nils's night tonight, happy the impossible CS hw isn't due 'til Friday...
And the movie for Spanish class that I had to go to tonight? Made no sense whatsoever, so glad I showed up for that one *rolls eyes*
I am sooooooo not in the mood to read for English tonight, bed time! *innocent look* G'luck to all of you writing papers and such in the next few days.
Yay! 'Ocean's Twelve' commercial! Anyone else excited for that?
Eeep! Just realized I'll probably get the Prob/Stat exam back tomorrow...*sigh*...there goes my day tomorrow...
Here's my name, with and without my middle name:
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom LLuxuriousAAstonishingUUnforgettableRRawIInnocentEElitist RRareEEnchantingBBrainyEEnjoyableCCuddlyCCrankyAAppealing
Name Acronym GeneratorFrom