So yesterday morning I went back to the doctors to get a check up. And another $100 copay. :( Which sucks. I really hope my fiancial aid from Kaiser goes through. If not I have set up a gofundme page. I just hate not working. I have been kind of laying on the couch doing basically nothing but watching movies. Lots and lots of movies and all of red dwarf and digimon. Also catching more shiny pokemon in Pokemon Y. I caught a Lapras which I named Nessie, 2 shiny Krabbys one male and one female (female is Kani and male is Cangrejo both meaning crab in Japanese and Spanish). Nessie is also female by the way. Which now gives me 11 shiny Pokemon I have caught in the wild/friend safari zone. XD
Anyways one of my opitions for anyone who donates $100 I will make a 12" plushie of their choice. I am also got a little bit of fabric that I bought today and a few days ago to make some zubats plushies, koromon plushies, tokomon as well and possible renamon intraining stage to sell. Since they are small I will probably sell them for $25 each +shipping and handling which will be about $5 to $6. If I can ever get back to my house I plan on grabbing more fabric for making small plushies. If anyone has any other plushies ideas to make let me know. Maybe even hats or scarfs too.
Oh also here is some updates on my xrays I got yesterday as well:
My left leg is pretty messed up. I am just glad the bone didn't pop out. The top part look like it would have hurt like crazy if it came out. x.x The doctor said the bone should callis over and fuse back together. I should start drinking a lot of milk and get my strong bone. I never knew bone could do that. Though my mother wishes that they had reset it. From what I heard the doctor was worried if he had to reset it he would have to leave me with a giant scar on the back of my leg and cut into the muscle leaving me unable to really use my leg. I kind of need my leg to get around. I dunno. Let's just hope it heals correctly.
Oh if anyone is intrested here is a link to my Gofundme: