Black coffee in my brew

Apr 05, 2006 00:40

couldn't guess any of mirai_san's songs x.x *feels so dum*

but I ganked the meme XD

Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1.Eleanor put those boots back on, kick the heels into the Brooklyn dirt

2.I know you like me, I know you do.(oh shiiit! xDD *embarassed for life*)

3.Yo shui neng bi wo zhi dao, ni de wen ro xiang yu mao [JayChou's Ni Ting De Dao]

4.Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you (WHY! *hides*)

5.a a, nanka ii kanji, aozora umi douko no location?

6.Will someone please call the surgeon

7.Brave Warrior (given~)

8.Our bones were chalk, twisting over the board gentle and fragile (also given! if you know of the song)

9.Black coffee in my brew, I know it stinks just a little but it keeps me going

10.Help the homeless?

11.Hao Leng, xue yi jing ji de na me shen

12.Dare datte shipai wa surunda, hazukashi koto janai

13.Da jiang da shui tian zi gao ya, yan jing gai dian liang liao (haha such an old song)

14.totemo totemo, kurushiku temo, keshitte keshitte, blabla

15.Putting all the vegetables away, that you bought at the grocery store today

16.Amai de Tezuka, Oresama no bigini yoi na (you should ALL know this one)

17.Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, here's K-A-T-T-U-N, it's show time (ok this isn't really 'in' the song, but I had no idea what the rap was after it;)

18.Dare ni, datte hitotsu ya, futatsu~blabla

19.Jacqueline was seveteen working at a desk, when I appeared above the specticle

20.When I was just a little boy my mama used to tell me these crazy things

OKay I admit to skipping over some that I had NO clue of the lyrics (eg Chinese version of Venus xD)

meme, oh random

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