Here I am again

Aug 11, 2007 19:27

So I know I was supposed to keep updating this, but after the East Coast trip, life went a little haywire. New Hampshire and Maine were beautiful. Green trees everywhere. Especially in New Hampshire. I posted photos on Picasa, but the album is protected so drop a line if you're interested. Anyway, Andrew's cousin's wedding was also beautiful. It was a small, intimate wedding with family and close friends, and everyone there was just happy and happy for the couple and I hope that my wedding has the same vibe. (whenever that will be...) Bar Harbor, Maine was fun, we went on a whale watching trip and saw porpoises, a fin whale (80 some odd feet!!), puffins, terns, harbor seals, we had a great time. The only downside was cold cold wind on the deck, down to about 40 degrees!

Unfortunately I came down with a nasty cold the day before the end of the East Coast trip, and by the time we got home with flight delays, Andrew thought it was best to cancel our Yosemite camping trip. BOOOOO being sick. So instead of seeing Half Dome, I laid in bed miserable for the next three days. Bah.

After that it was the Andrew closing up shop in Cali and heading out east to Michigan. So July was basically attending his "goodbye Andrew" work functions and helping him get everything wrapped up here. (Oh, and he got a new car, he sort of copied me and got an '07 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport Wagon.) He left with his Dad the last Sunday of July, and they drove cross country together in Andrew's new car.

Meanwhile I'm stuck here with all the junk that Andrew left behind. His packing was done very last minute and incredibly whirlwind, so for a week it was really hard to walk around the apartment because of the random stuff EVERYWHERE. But so far I've made a trip to the Computer Recycling Center in Sunnyvale, and today was drop off at the goodwill of lots and lots of books that Andrew decided he didn't want anymore. Good gravy. So my goal of cleaning up the apartment had a major setback, but is now slowly coming to fruition. 1/8 of the apartment is clutter free!

In terms of physical fitness, not so much, but I'm working on that. Pilates class is on summer break, and will start up again after labor day. I also signed up for a cardio kick boxing class, so that will definitely kick my butt. I'm trying to do pilates for at least 1/2 hr every day on my own, but that hasn't really happened yet. I think now I can though because there's actually space on the floor to roll out my mat.

So now it's just me and my bird in the apartment. Still trying to get used to cooking for one. Luckily both Andrew and I have MacBooks so we've been iChatting it up when he's free. It's nice to be able to actually see him as opposed to just hearing his voice. Right now the plan is to move to Ann Arbor in December, when Andrew can come back during winter break and help me move. I'm pretty much at 85% on going. What's holding me back: I have a good, well paying job here, which is not a guarantee in Ann Arbor..., all family and friends are on the West coast, the only family near Michigan is in Virginia and Illinois, and I HATE cold weather. Basically if I go to Michigan, I'm making a huge life decision. HUGE.

That's where I'm at now.
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