May 20, 2006 00:33
So lately i've been chatting with a friend from Tech. Fontrho (Matt). Haha. We've discovered the most random things. Like our relationship. It's like brother/sister. Though the people at tech only see the bickering and fighting part. But what about the bonding?...
Fontrho: people expect us to fight?
AsHeLyEs: kinda... yeah
AsHeLyEs: it's what's expected... we're like a brother/sister in the well... bikering (spelled wrong...) but then when they're not watching... there's the bonding
Fontrho: interesting perspection
Fontrho: perspective*
AsHeLyEs: don't think it's true?
Fontrho: never really thought about it before... but i guess its true
So we started asking each other random gender related questions... i asked him about buys obsession with boobs...
AsHeLyEs: i just dont understand
AsHeLyEs: guys are obsessed....
AsHeLyEs: and i dont get it
AsHeLyEs: because of this obsession, girls wear more revealing clothes...
AsHeLyEs: i don't get it!
Fontrho: society i guess
AsHeLyEs: ...and then there's me with baggy clothes... and i don't fit
Fontrho: trains guys to like em and girls to show em
Fontrho: but dont think there is something wrong with you for wanting to cover up or more not seeing the fascination
AsHeLyEs: in your opinion, should i wear less clothes?
AsHeLyEs: less baggy... tighter... whatever is socially acceptable
Fontrho: no you shouldnt, you should keep on wearing what you do... thtas who you are, you shouldnt try to be something you arent
AsHeLyEs: and what if i don't know who i am?
AsHeLyEs: ...
Fontrho: thats who you are.... being your brother i know these things
Fontrho: you arent just some girl that goes with what everyone else does
Fontrho: you are unique and have your own style
AsHeLyEs: awww <3
Fontrho: if people dont like it well then the hell with them
I'm so glad Matt's there :) Though I have an actual brother, and Matt has an actual sister. It's like having family away from home. We don't talk to our familys much. So it's always nice to have each other to talk to when it seems the world has gone all wrong. Thanks matt. I miss you. And everyone else from Tech. (I'll be back in the states on the 9th!!! three weeks... takes forever!)