I HATE being so far away... life sucks...

May 20, 2005 19:18

I know this is gonna sound like one of those entries that Mickey doesn't like... but I miss everyone. School has ended and everyone went home... Most to a place that they've lived in for a long time, and have friends desperately waiting for their return. Me? I went home to a dad and a brother and a high school that I hated in Europe. All my friends are gone... there's no one here... and I miss everyone back at VT. I know it may seem retarded to be upset over people I've only known for little less than a year, but I miss being able to walk down 6 flights of stairs and find someone to talk to, joke with, play cards... at any and all hours.
I've been keeping in touch with some of the people that are in the US... and they tell me how their days go... 'it's okay... little upset a friend hasn't called yet... but he will' or 'went here w/ these people... here with these... and there with those...'. While I sit in my room... catching up on movies.
I wish I could explain how I feel... and the emptiness I feel from not being able to be around all those I met this past school year... From Mickey's 'BUTT SEX' to Seapys innocents (^_^). And the Gnome dance... Spades... Magic... Frizbee... and just simply sitting in the corner lounge bitching about teachers (like Bohner) and classes/work loads... to other hall mates (like Charles... who wasn't such a problem at the end).
What I would give to see everyone again... I know school is just a few months away... but for those months... I'm gonna be here... alone. I need a hug... I just want a hug right now... but there's no one here to give me one.

As much as I would like to think that people I know will read this... chances are, only Mickey will (I love you Jeff)... which isn't comforting... because there is a certain person I wish I could tell this too... but always feel like I'd just make myself look like an ass... and maybe make the relationship ... bad

But I guess... I'll get over it... after all I have that song... for 'when life gets me down... and i'm at the end of my rope...'

(just for you jeff :P... been listening to it all day)
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