My residency has reached crisis breaking point with me. I am edgy and bipolar and having trouble keeping it together. For me framing the art is very very stressful. It is a task where perfectionism is the standard and anything less stands out. I am having issues with matching mounting foamcore. Apparently everybody has the same stuff but in reality I ended up buying 3 different shades of white and one stupid idea. Because when you are framing something as big as I am, archival foamcore is really the only affordable option (less than $100) that will look good. If the sucker was a few inches smaller I would have a lot more options. But by the time you realize that the stuff you bought is different than the stuff you like and were trying to match it is already too late because they have cut it down for you because you have to fit it in the car. So in an effort to avoid an unreasonable to the point of unethical price at Dick Blick I purchased 3 times as much that I can't use and drove all around Atlanta freaking out. Theoretically I can use the stuff from Hobby Lobby even if the texture and color is slightly different but Binders, Michaels and Dick Blick were a bust. I will find out in the morning after I photograph my work. Because that can't wait. I can't properly photograph in the frame so I have to do that first. Just one more thing. kjdfskjdfskjsdfkjdsfshootme
On top of that, after we looked at the pieces it became clear that the way to do this is to have 3 matching prints on cyanotype and 1 with just the lino block on paper. They way to do that is to take apart Dao the print from my exit show and re-purpose its frame for this project. Which conveniently is a perfectly matching frame. Although the chances of me re-framing Dao afterwards seems slim if I take it out of it's frame. And 4 frames featuring the same block in different variations might be perfect at the show but maybe too much at the house afterward. It all feels like a lot more work but it shouldn't be unless things go terribly wrong. If that happens I will probably cry and sleep it off.
Also I am leaving LJ forever. My is up and running and I just started typing this entry here out of habit. lol