i'm done, done, and done! apparently graduated .25 pnts away from summa cum laude. didn't know about that! had to settle for magna cum, though. ooo, i've got cum on my diploma! pardon me! ok, enough with dat shit. i don't feel any different now. yes, it's my first day as an official college grad. but really, folks, reality slapped me in the face with its hard cock months ago when i got home from spain. so i'll shut up and provide pictures instead.
yes. donald trump was our commencement speaker. interesting, huh?
michelle and i
last night at chevy's
legally drinking pina coladas with rita
choir doing crazy oral shit
rita, dr. wesby, and ben--what a hot threesome!
jeff on line to graduarse!
mein two language professors
a blurry pic of zee fam. "the ring", anyone?