Re: choke me in the shallow water before I get too deepmouschiMarch 20 2004, 05:57:26 UTC
the realisation, perhaps, that i'm too into mtv culture. or maybe also reading certain individual's lj (case in point: forcemajeure and having major insecurities on my own life decisions, thinking that i haven't done yet what i want to do.
Oh, I'm honored. Thanks. Ja, ich spreche ein bisschen "Catalanisch"- I studied it for that one semester I was in Barcelona and make sad attempts at reading, writing, and understanding it.
per que havies d'anar a una escola de Nova York???kingsalamanderxMarch 20 2004, 17:28:55 UTC
que llastima que estic tan lluny. em sembla que tot això que menciones és superable... you don't seem shallow from what i've read. m'agradiria coneixer-te mitjor...
Re: per que havies d'anar a una escola de Nova York???mouschiMarch 22 2004, 12:04:17 UTC
Hola Jorge- ets de mexic pero parlas el catala? que guay, tio... bueno yo soy Michael y si que te he anadido ya a mi listado. Yo tambien me gustaria conocer a mas gente que hable el catalan, xq ya no conozco nadie aqui con quien hablar y practicar! Bah, I guess I just wanna get to know more people. Punto. I've been lonely since I got back from Spain--everybody's either in Europe, or away at their respective Uni's! Be xiquette, com parlas catala tan bo? Ho estudias en la teva universitat, o tens familia alla? Jo vaig estudiar a Barna un semestre, aixi que ho parlo una mica...pero tio, solo una mica! Estic molt encantat.
Re: quiero conocer gentemouschiMarch 22 2004, 11:49:44 UTC
be... si quieres, anadame a tu listado de amigos y seguiremos desde alli. tambien me puedes mandar un correo-e a "kartofelsalat arroba hotmail punto com"--vale? yo me llamo michael. y tu?
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