good job making it to the new year

Jan 02, 2017 12:22

can somebody either confirm or deny that if i duplicated my lj when i started using dw that it's basically backed up already? I used to use that ljarchive thing more regularly but i recall it always being terrible ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ichigobanana January 2 2017, 18:57:13 UTC
I copied all my stuff to DW yesterday, but DW is confusing me so much and I honestly don't have motivation to get into it properly lol... I know it's basically the same as LJ but some things are missing and meh. I want to keep posting on LJ because I'm used to that and I have all the stuff here :( I'm really thankful that DW let me copy not only the entries but the comments of my fics as well, because I was worried mostly about those. I think if LJ really ever gets Russian only or whatever, it will mostly destroy fandoms and I fear about the Kisumai comm because it's so scattered (and dead) already anyway >


mousapelli January 2 2017, 19:06:46 UTC
It's just different enough to take a little time learning it, yeah. I haven't mastered the difference in tagging people and cuts and stuff, even though i've been over here for a while, just because i barely used it at all before SASO this summer. I guess if more people appeared, I would feel more like being into it, but at this point I feel like I mainly keep the journal for myself and not really anyone else cares about it, vs when I started LJ i explicitly did it because several people asked me to so they could follow ( ... )


uminohikari January 2 2017, 20:39:25 UTC
I couldn't ever get into tumblr, so I'm hoping that there'll be a shift soon. Wasn't there a push for imzy a few months ago?


mousapelli January 2 2017, 21:15:49 UTC
I do know a couple people using it but i don't exactly get the sense that it's a big deal at the moment. Honestly I'm not even sure what it is/is like. I do think it's supposed to be more community-based. That would be for the best in my opinion, but I think how quickly it expands and how easy it is to use are probably the best questions. I'm not opposed to new things or something, but moving from thing to thing aggravates me, so if we could get one that lasted some amount of time, that would be great.


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