Title: Year of the Dragon [Yara/Yamamoto]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for Yara during massage therapy
Summary: The year of the Dragon is a tough one when you're a Dog.
AN: When
yararanger revealed to me that Yara was a dog like me, and Yamaryo was a snake, there was no way I couldn't write this. Also, most of these things (esp the inescapable conversations and
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PFFFFFFFFF lmaoooooooo oh Yaracchi, even your bed turns against you
and he has no choice but to return to practice in just his sweatpants and his unzipperable hoodie.
Oh dear. What a shame. What an absolute shame. :| … :||||||| … 8DDDDDDD
even the densest junior can't help but notice.
"Here, Yara-senpai," Hashimoto says
LMAO nicely done XDDDDD
also, the bad luck vortex, I shouldn't be laughing it's not KIND but I'm totally laughing oh god lol
It's to no avail, though; Goseki likes Yara's pain far too much to save him.
Takki, you ass XD
THAT'S WHY TSUKA'S HANDS WERE NEEDED. Suddenly things are clicking into place \XD/
"Yup," Tsukada says, satisfied, "just like that."
I should not be enjoying his pain so much, oh my god lmao ;;
\8D/ weakened state \8D/
and CHURA TT_____TT HEY PRETTY LADY *____* ← this makes me sound like more of a Chura fan than a Yara fan even, wtf lol. ILHER ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
guh, I love them
and L M A O the end oh my god I shrieked with laughter and clapped like a mentally deficient sea lion idek loooooooooooooooooooool ahahahahahahahaha oh god I love this a hell of a lot ilu XD
Yara's pain is totally enjoyable! as is his unzipperable hoodie.
and i love your chura icon~
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