Title: If Just One Wish [Yabu/Takaki]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for costume racks.
Summary: Takaki is totally confused! Yabu acts weird, and Chinen knows things.
AN: okay, FINALLY this fic is finished. I started this after the BEST live on Shokura where during SU*RI*RU Takaki has a total costume fail, and everybody else's shirt is yanked open and
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Comments 9
“We know that’s a bit old for you, Yuyan,” Inoo pats Takaki on the shoulder, and Takaki shoves him off his folding chair.
HAHAHAHAHHA 1) that never stopped you and 2) WOW I LOVE HEY SAY JUMP
. . . but I do. ;_; ♥
of course that's what it ends in. how else is chii supposed to get in his quality Leader-senpai time?
I love how indignant Takaki is that CHINEN knows shit before he does. Oh, Chinen. It's always the little ones.
Poor traumatized Keito.
Hikaru and flames and failed magic, lol. And bony elbows on the couch. Ahhh, love.
I'd really love to know what happened when Takaki asked Yamada and Yuto. That can't have gone well. SOMEONE was scarred in that encounter, but I can't decide who.
I really feel that Yamada is well-versed in the ways of senpai and kouhai, and Chinen is only slightly behind.
Also, the best part is that hikaru's magic wasn't fail at all. Ryu's feeling the magic all right XD XD XD
i have no doubt that Takaki was far and away the most traumatized, and Yuto didn't even realize that something out of the ordinary had happened.
OH CHINEN. Not as wise as Ryutaro, but I wouldn't be surprised. AND HIKARU, FAILING SO HARD IS ALSO SO FLY.
Costom racksfkj dfksjf
I love you, possibly more than Takabu. Only possibly.
This is incoherent. I should be doing homework. Takabu was calling,though. Will write something else when I stop squeeing.
This comment is here because I feel that this fic also deserves something with minimal grammar violations.
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