Title: Kiss Twenty-Five: The Second Hand Will Catch Us [Kawai/Goseki]
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for Totsuka and all the senpai behind the costume rack.
Summary: Kawai thinks Goseki should take one for the team during Countdown.
AN: For 26 Birthday Kisses, Kiss Twenty-Five: New Year's Kiss. You can have this one early since tomorrow's another crazy
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Comments 2
waiting in the wings for their cute Oops.
There was another, but now I can't find it.
Also. Girly slap fights! Kitayama! Nika/Senga! Cradlerobbing! Tottsu being totally a whore! Ahahahaha, ABC = ♥
"I think this belongs to you," Kitayama says dryly, just before he shoves Kawai into A.B.C.'s dressing room and then slams the door behind him.
Hahahah Hiro being all "I am scary scary Riida! Listen to me!" always amuses. I also love the fact that people always mention Kisumai when talking about ABC, and vice versa.
"Kitayama, I'd bet," Totsuka put in his two cents.
Interesting, is he the Kisumai community bicycle now?
so when Tsukada trails Yara out of the room like a puppy trotting at his heels, Totsuka is forced to trot right along with him.
...is Tsukada's massive crush on Yara at ALL related to the fact that they are both in BUTOUKAN?
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